This past Sunday a bunch of us went to the Hosmer's (another missionary) church for a special/revival service. It was so cool! They sang all of their songs in Japanese (their congregation is mostly Japanese people), they even sang our favorite 'I'm Trading My Sorrows' ,it sounds much better in Japanese, I'll have to get the words. Maybe we can sing it! (HAAAA) But anyway, the guest speaker was Bro Vowtaw, who has been a missionary in Taiwan. So we've got a Chinese speaking missionary with no Chinese... then, BAM, there were about 10 Chinese guys that came in off the street just to see what was going on! Talk about God's good timing. They loved the service though, during worship there was one who could not stop taking pics with his phone, they loved the music (I don't know if they spoke Japanese), a few did go up to the alter, but I don't think any got the Holy Ghost.
In other news, Hitomi and I did sing our Japanese duet on Sunday. Then someone had the audacity to say I was flat on one of the songs (Oh No HE DIDN'T!). But that's ok ...I'll be strong...Thank you Jesus!!