Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday School Decor

Here are pictures of our sunday school room for the new quarter. It took us two and a half days to complete our room. The theme is King's Orchard, learning the fruits of the spirit, so the entire room is decorated to look like a fruit orchard (those transparancies were really time consuming to draw!) We did all of this preparing for sunday school but when Sunday came, we had no kids! Acually we did have 1 but he is 13 and not even supposed to be in there, poor kid had to sit through an entire lesson written for 7 and 8 year olds :)~ ! Oh well, we're praying for more familes to be drawn in, so everyone please be in prayer with us! ( Minna san Onegaishimasu!)
This is Hitomi and Ty taking down the last theme.

This is Tatiana (one smart 2 year old)
This is the outside door (entrance to the Orchard)

Now we're getting somewhere!
It was hard to get the staples to go through the walls, but the coloring was easy.
This is the toddler room
This is the same wall after we completed it
The hard workers....


Anonymous said...

Everything looks very nice, very creative. We just finished our also. Sis Erica helped me. Love ya, take care and call soon. Mom

Melody said...

How cute! Girl, we could have used your help with our room this weekend. You have been hiding decorating skills from us!

Sakura90 said...

Thanks!! But really all I did was trace..! What was the theme for you guys?

Anonymous said...

our theme is of old time.... Abe, Issac, and Jacob Mom

Melody said...

We did "Sunday school around the world" and "Jesus loves all the children of the world". Our centers are, Japan, Mexico, and Africa. Our middle wall has a big world and little kids going around it. It turned out cute...if I say so myself!

Tina said...

Looks mighty tasty...good job! hee hee. Guess what?? Iam in Washington DC on vacation w/ my family. I dont know how praise group will survive w/ out either of us!

Sakura90 said...

Thankyou anonymous thats very descriptive!! (J/K)! The theme sounds cool! Tina your so lucky!I loved Washington D.C., American history is pretty interesting. Better hurry back though, Ephraim sways off beat without you there :)!!

Sakura90 said...
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