Thursday, July 10, 2008

Seoul, Korea

Picture this, a market place full of shops (literally hundreds) in a 3-4 block sector, at least a thousand people, and little guys on scooters carting their shop items to who-knows-where barreling up and down these crowded streets honking their horns, willing to run down anyone who gets in their way. That's pretty much what Nandemon marketplace felt like. Oh, but it was great! Nothing better than buying Coach and Louis Vitton and just about any other brand name you can think of for almost nothing! I ended up not buying to much, just a few $5 skirts and shirts. It was cool though, I would definitely recommend vacationing in Korea just for the shopping. Korea also boasts the largest church in the world. No joke, it seats 80-90,000 people, and there are at least 200 people there at all times praying 24/7. I didnt go in, just saw in passing, but it was HUGE! I think they said its a Full Gospel church. But anyway, services were good, I met some really nice people, and had a great time!

And just as an afterthought, Korea has a much better Cold Stone Creamery than we do. They have alot more flavors. I know that was random, but I threw it in anyway.


Tina said...

Oh I love cold stone! Peanut butter ice cream is awesome!

Sakura90 said...

Desshou! I know, right!!

Amber said...

You should have loaded up on the goods and sold them could be rich!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Did they have a lot of non-dairy, no-sugar to choose from? Mom

Anonymous said...

fake, right?

Melody said...

How awesome! I LOVE cold stone! (with a brownie mixed in!)

That shopping sounds wonderful!