Monday, May 19, 2008

This is good

Great news...I'm joining the praise team here! Don't think that's exciting? Oh, trust me it is :)~ We had one Okinawan receive the Holy Ghost on Sunday. Apparently shes been trying for a while to get it. She said she kept trying to say "Arigatou" but couldn't get it out. Her kids are in Sunday school here, and don't speak any English. Soooo, in 2 weeks we are starting a new Sunday school program and I'll have to translate to them (AAAAHHHHHH!!!!).
I watched both Sunday services (New Life) on the Internet, of course, and thought everyone would want to know--the cameras do give close-ups of everyone on the platform :), so smiiiiile!


Tina said...

So did I look skinny on the close-ups?? I miss bumping into you while I sing!

Sakura90 said...

Dont worry you looked great! You and Meagan sway together alot. We should all do that, except I dont know if the altos could keep up :)

Sakura90 said...

btw that word should be joining and not joying!

Anonymous said...

Whatever!!!! You are such a dork!!! But it is cool that you are going to translate for the kids. Anyway, I want to see you in a Kamono (is that how you spell it?) go take a picture. BYE I WILL CALL YOU TONIGHT IF YOU ANSWER!!!!!


Melody said...

Ok...enough crackin' on the Altos! We can't help it if we are white and don't have any soul! =) Very cool about the tunnels. I can't imagine being in there with so many people. Talk about being surrounded by HOT breath!